eCOPILOT (the electronic COPILOT) is a simple to use yet feature-full navigation (moving map, terrain avoidance, multi-leg route), logbook and flight track recording app for private, recreational and ultralight pilots.
eCOPILOT (the electronic COPILOT) is a simple to use yet feature-full navigation (moving map, terrain avoidance, multi-leg route), logbook and flight track recording app for private, recreational and ultralight pilots.
eCOPILOT is designed for use on 4.3 inch or bigger Android Phones and Tablets (Android 3.0 or newer. Recommended minimum screen size is 4.7 inches) and can be found at the Google Play Store.
It is geared towards the VFR "recreational" private pilot that wants an easy to use navigation app that is free of extra "over-complicated" features and that it provides a "single tap" logbook to keep track of flying times.
As a navigation app eCOPILOT offers:
Moving map navigation with worldwide airport database and user added Point of Interests.
Multi leg Flight Route creation with auto-selection of next leg POI/Airport.
Total Route Distance and Current Leg Distance. Current leg distance is calculated from the previous destination to the currently selected route destination.

Route Highest Elevation and Current Leg Highest Elevation. Current leg elevation is calculated from the previous destination to the currently selected route destination.
Altitude Above Ground with Terrain Avoidance Alarm.
Total Flight Time Alarm.
Line connecting all POIs/Airports in the Route.
Total Route Distance and current flown distance.
Bearing, Distance and Estimated en-route time to next selected POI/Airport (with line connecting Aircraft to POI).
Bearing, Distance and Estimated en-route time to all POI/Airports that are part of your flight leg.
Bearing, Distance and Estimated en-route time to nearest POI/Airport.
Configurable reference circle around aircraft and selected POI/Airport with line showing aircraft heading.
Airport information: Runway heading, radio frequency, altitude.
Single Tap to go to nearest or any other POI/Airport.
Single Tap to add POI/Airport to current flight route.
Maps are cached on the device. No need for internet connection while flying. Five different map layers to choose from. All layers have world wide coverage.
Metric, Imperial and Nautical units.
True and Magnetic compass.
North Up - Aircraft Heading Up Map View.
Multiple Routes and POIs may be saved for loading at a later time.
Full Screen Map View (Toolbar and Route List can be hidden).
As a logbook app eCOPILOT includes:
Single tap to start and stop the current logbook.
Recording of flight track for later viewing on Google Earth both on the device or on your desktop computer (KML file format. Google Earth needs to be installed on the device or desktop for viewing tracks).
Recorded tracks may be played back real time on the app.
Notes may be added to each Logbook entry.
Logbook will automatically select "FROM" and "TO" airport/POI.
Total Flight Time and current time display.
Logbook TFT shown below the logbook entries list.
Logbook entries can be viewed in the app.
Logbook is saved as a plain text comma separated file that can be viewed on any text viewer application or imported in spread-sheet type of programs. Logbook entries contain: Aircraft Mark, From, To, Date/Time of take-off, Date/Time of landing, Total Flight Time as Hour/Minutes and Hours decimal, Total Travel Distance, Notes.
Send logbook file and tracks to your email address.
Logbook and tracks may be copied directly from the tablet to your computer over the tablet USB connection.
User's Manual:
Support and Inquiries:
Google Play Store:
eCOPILOT Privacy Policy
This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use eCOPILOT and the choices you have associated with that data.
Information We Don't Collect
eCOPILOT does not collect or share any user data, and there is no registration or login required to use the app.
Location Data
eCOPILOT utilizes location services to provide navigation and map functionality. However, we do not transmit or share your location data. Any location data used by the application is processed locally on your device and is not shared with us or any third parties.
Logbook and Tracks Data files
eCOPILOT saves your logbook data and, if selected by you, your flight track data in internal on device files. The application allows you to email these files to an email address of your choice and/or view them in a track viewing app of your choice (like standard Google Earth track file). This files are not send to or share with us or any third party application, company or individual.
Map Tiles
eCOPILOT uses OpenStreetMap to download and display the navigation maps. Navigation Maps are downloaded once and the application works offline. The process of downloading map tiles does not transmit any user data to the OpenStreetMap map tile servers.